Die Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie, leicht verständlich von M. Kornelius |
Die Einsteinsche Relativitaetstheorie, leicht verständlich als Bildergeschichte von Martin Kornelius, mit mathematischem Anhang und Bßcherliste |
Eric Weisstein's World of Physics |
Eric Weisstein's World of Physics |
Stephen Hawking's Universe - Cosmological Stars |
Stephen Hawking's Universe: The Web companion piece provides detailed explanations of the most important ideas and developments in human understanding of the universe. The Web pages include original essays by some of today's leading figures in cosmology, along with original illustrations, program descriptions, explanations of cosmological terms and theories, and brief biographies. Also, the Ask the Experts section encourages the audience to submit questions, some of which will be answered by experts in the field. |
Stephen Hawking's Universe - Cosmological Stars |
Stephen Hawking's Universe: The Web companion piece provides detailed explanations of the most important ideas and developments in human understanding of the universe. The Web pages include original essays by some of today's leading figures in cosmology, along with original illustrations, program descriptions, explanations of cosmological terms and theories, and brief biographies. Also, the Ask the Experts section encourages the audience to submit questions, some of which will be answered by experts in the field. |
Magnetismus ist kein Zug- sondern ein Druckphänomen |
Stephen Hawking's Universe - Cosmological Stars |
Stephen Hawking's Universe: The Web companion piece provides detailed explanations of the most important ideas and developments in human understanding of the universe. The Web pages include original essays by some of today's leading figures in cosmology, along with original illustrations, program descriptions, explanations of cosmological terms and theories, and brief biographies. Also, the Ask the Experts section encourages the audience to submit questions, some of which will be answered by experts in the field. |
Welcome to The Aurora Page |
Physik lernen mit Physikon |
Das Gebiet enthält 315 Seiten mit Formeln und Abbildungen. Zu vielen Seiten finden Sie auĂerdem weiterfĂźhrende Informationen: Bildschirmexperimente, Aufgaben, Java-Applets, Literatur, Diskussionsbeiträge, Links, ... |